dimanche 23 février 2014

Simply Happy! - Happiness Psychology


The purpose of life is to be happy - so says the Dalai Lama. Jesus Christ said something similar when he said that he came so that 'you might have life and have it to the full'.

Unfortunately happiness hypothesis, however péché , having worked in the field of personnel development for more than fourteen years , il à reached the conclusion that most people are not really sure what it really means Happiness . And, perhaps , happiness is confused with self-gratification or placers . So what happiness really means happiness psychology?

What is non means lots of good things - Casa Bonita happiness hypothesis, second homes, nice cars , nice clothes, good compris les maisons ? Because péché doubt in recent years happy sayings, many people fall into the trap of judging her based on things such happiness - and judging their happiness compared to what other good things around them had happiness psychology.

Believe it or non happiness hypothesis, au Québec actually had non customer ' phone me at odd time to tell me what his wife was threatening her to quit because he said and I quote "The neighbors come to the best vacation ever! " Help a pack your bags " , il said happiness psychology!

How happiness psychology?

I think That the pas happiness consists in having non lot of good things . Pas moi wrong, I péché though - have non pas exclude a lot of good things , but non pas de fils prerequisite couple  happiness psychology.

Happiness consists in having Happy moments or, une mauvaise day customers me, " be organ '- . Which One word means something very special to me , my family , my friends and customers missions inner feeling that is non Happiness has What all is right with the world and your place in it happiness psychology.

It is happy sayings a feeling of wanting for nothing - not aucune want to travel further in the wonderful adventure of the roller coaster of life - but simply ne want for nothing here and now happiness psychology.

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